A classic series from "yezoLABO," a travel solution brand focusing on bags and luggage, using Hokkaido-produced cowhide and Hokkaido-produced white birch wood.

As the word "authentic" suggests, it has a dignified appearance, but is also equipped with advanced and practical functions.

北海道産の牛革を贅沢にあしらった、オーセンティックな佇まいの日本製ハードスーツケース (キャリーケース)「Trunkレザーバンドハードスーツケース」。機内持込CABINサイズ、預け入れMIDDLEサイズの2型、01ブラック、08ブラウンの2色展開です。

Authentic series

Trunk Leather Band Hard Suitcase

A hard suitcase made in Japan with an authentic appearance, lavishly decorated with cowhide from Hokkaido.
The leather band that goes across the front of the device matches the color of the device itself: the black version features shrink leather with a strong grain of the same color, while the brown version features delicate, smooth leather in a natural color.

くるくると丸めながら折り畳めるフロントパネルで、狭いスペースでも場所を取らずに開閉できるソフトタイプのスーツケース(キャリーケース)「Haybale ローラブルソフトスーツケース」

Authentic series

Haybale Rollable Soft Suitcase

This soft suitcase, made in Japan, is luxuriously decorated with cowhide from Hokkaido and features a front panel that can be rolled up and folded.
It can be opened and closed while standing upright without taking up much space even in a small space. The front of the case is designed with shrink leather engraved with strong grain.

モモンガが飛び立つようなシルエットが特徴的で、機能性をふんだんに隠し持ったユーティリティバックパック「Momonga ユーティリティバックパック」M/Lサイズ

Authentic series

Momonga Utility Backpack

This Japanese-made utility backpack features a distinctive silhouette resembling a flying squirrel taking flight and is packed with hidden functionality.
It can be used in a variety of ways, such as storing a PC or files when commuting, and it also has an expandable function when the amount of luggage increases, such as when traveling on business.The solid design is decorated with warm hand stitching.

北海道産の牛革をふんだんに使用し高級感がありながら、高い機能性を併せ持つ「Lake ユーティリティトートバッグ」M/Lサイズ・01ブラック

Authentic series

Lake Utility Tote Bag

This Japanese-made utility tote bag is made with plenty of cowhide from Hokkaido, giving it a luxurious feel while also being highly functional.
It has a PC storage compartment and file storage compartment for commuting, and the main zipper opens wide to hold a lot of luggage. It has a solid design with warm hand stitching, making it suitable for business trips and travel.

About "yezoLABO"

ACE Luggage's original brand "yezoLABO"